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  • Writer's pictureIshan Deshpande

Partition by Clause in SQL

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

In the world of SQL, the "PARTITION BY" clause plays a vital role in performing advanced analytics and aggregations. It allows you to divide your result set into partitions or groups based on specific columns, enabling you to apply calculations or functions separately within each partition. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of the "PARTITION BY" clause and understand how it can enhance your SQL queries.

Understanding the Syntax

The basic syntax of using the "PARTITION BY" clause is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
, analytic_function() OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column1, partition_column2, ...) AS result_column
FROM table_name

Let's dive into the different components of this syntax:

  1. column1, column2, ...: These represent the columns you want to select in your query.

  2. analytic_function(): This refers to the specific analytic function you want to apply within each partition, such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, ROW_NUMBER, etc.

  3. OVER: This keyword indicates the start of the analytic function clause.

  4. PARTITION BY: This clause specifies the partitioning columns.

  5. partition_column1, partition_column2, ...: These are the columns used to partition the result set.


Suppose we have the following employee data

And we want to rank employees within each department based on their salaries, how can we do that?

Lets check it out.

Here we can use the DENSE_RANK() function along with the ‘PARTITION BY’ and ‘ORDER BY’ clause.

SELECT employee_id
, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_name ORDER BY salary DESC) AS Rank
FROM [HR].[dbo].[emp_master]
WHERE department_name = 'Finance' OR department_name = 'IT'
ORDER BY department_name

Here I have filtered data to Finance and IT departments just for the sake of simplicity.

Output -

Here’s the result and we can see that Nancy has the highest salary in the Finance department and Alexander has the highest salary in the IT department.

Benefits of "PARTITION BY"

The "PARTITION BY" clause offers several advantages when working with SQL:

  1. Enhanced Analytical Capabilities: By partitioning the result set, you can perform complex calculations, aggregations, and analytic functions on a per-partition basis. This allows for deeper insights into your data.

  2. Efficient Data Manipulation: Partitioning can optimize query performance by reducing the amount of data processed. Instead of applying calculations to the entire result set, you can focus on smaller partitions, improving overall query efficiency.

  3. Flexible Grouping: With the ability to partition by multiple columns, you can define specific groups within your data. This flexibility enables you to analyze and compare subsets of your data based on different criteria simultaneously.


The "PARTITION BY" clause in SQL opens up a world of possibilities for advanced analytics and aggregations. By dividing your result set into partitions based on specific columns, you can apply calculations or functions independently within each partition, enabling deeper analysis and efficient data manipulation. Understanding and utilizing the power of the "PARTITION BY" clause can significantly enhance your SQL querying capabilities, empowering you to extract valuable insights from your data.

That’s all for this blog, Happy querying!

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